Onamia MN

scheduled date time:
Repeats every year on January on the third Monday 10 times.
Monday, January 20, 2025 (All day)

A Federal, State, and local holiday in Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Schools that teach about him and the civil rights movement may choose to stay open on that day. Some schools may be closed
Most government offices will be closed.
Banks closed.
Post offices closed and no mail delivered.
Transit may still be running.


Onamia is located in central Minnesota, near Mille Lacs Lake and other lakes and Rum River. See more at general info There are businesses in the area including a hospital, schools grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, drug store, and industry- see our biz listings There are also plenty of recreational opportunities.

Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning

  • tips from CDC
  • Do have your heating system, water heater and any other gas, oil, or coal burning appliances serviced by a qualified technician every year.
  • Do install a battery-operated or battery back-up CO detector in your home and check or replace the battery when you change the time on your clocks each spring and fall. If the detector sounds leave your home immediately and call 911.
  • Do seek prompt medical attention if you suspect CO poisoning and are feeling dizzy, light-headed, or nauseated.

Earlier Snow

at 11:42 am snow was reducing visibility to less than .5 miles in Brainerd MN near Missippippi river on Saturday May 9 2020

snow at 11:43 laurel st bridge can be seen but not Washinton st bridge


3/26/2020 from Nurse Cat Stowers, Health Service Coordinator at Onamia Public Schools.

Onamia Days 5k results

1 Melissa Agnew 22:05 F25-45
2 Jennifer Agnew 22:06 F25-45
1 Nathan Steffenson 22.55 M25-45
1 Adam Cotter 27:29 M<25
1 Denise Iamoreaux 27:48 F46+
2 Cathy Donovan 30:01 F46+
3 Kayla Moeller 33:15 F25-45
4 Kelly McCready 47:58 F25-45
2 Silva Oscar 1:16:00 M<25
3 Katie Coster 1:16:00 46+


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