Onamia MN

scheduled date time:
Repeats every year on January on the third Monday 10 times.
Monday, January 20, 2025 (All day)

A Federal, State, and local holiday in Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Schools that teach about him and the civil rights movement may choose to stay open on that day. Some schools may be closed
Most government offices will be closed.
Banks closed.
Post offices closed and no mail delivered.
Transit may still be running.


Onamia is located in central Minnesota, near Mille Lacs Lake and other lakes and Rum River. See more at general info There are businesses in the area including a hospital, schools grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, drug store, and industry- see our biz listings There are also plenty of recreational opportunities.

School Days and Hours Column

Have you ever sat in a movie, concert, or play that you really enjoyed but it lasted a little too long and your mind started to wander or your eyes started to close for a short siesta? I am sure that you have. Imagine sitting in a class that you are trying to pay attention to but it is longer than usual. Do you think there is a chance that you won’t stay focused and the extra time will become background noise? This will be one of the many struggles that our students will face in a 4 day week.

Mille Lacs Raiders Wrestling go to State

The Mille Lacs Raiders, a cooperative of Onamia and Isle Schools, is going to the Minnesota State High School Wrestling Tournament as a team for the first time.

They won the 7A sections in Ogilvie. Wrestled Against Aitkin and Royalton /Swanville.

They will wrestle against Frazee for their first match on March 4th Starting at 9:30 am at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul.

Mille Lacs Messenger
Minnesota State High School Leage
Jean Steffenson

Common Loons in Minnesota

Minnesota's State Bird the Common Loon. This video starts off with Lake Superior near Baptism River & Tettegouche State Park. Later goes to Long Island Lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern MN. The video ends at the Mississippi River in Brainerd MN. Nathan Steffenson


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