Onamia MN

Onamia is located in central Minnesota, near Mille Lacs Lake and other lakes and Rum River. See more at general info There are businesses in the area including a hospital, schools grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, drug store, and industry- see our biz listings There are also plenty of recreational opportunities.

Minnesota Solar Jobs doubled in 2 years

February 10, 2016
News release from Minnesota Department of commerce http://www.mn.gov/commerce

"Minnesota solar jobs more than doubled in past two years, with bright future ahead for state’s solar industry"

"SAINT PAUL – The number of solar jobs in Minnesota more than doubled during th
e past two years and, thanks to solar-friendly state and federal policies, the job surge is expected to continue, according to the Minnesota Solar Jobs Census.

Road Construction

Hwy 169 north of Milaca
Description: Reconstruct 6.4 miles of NB Hwy 169 north of Milaca, extend turn lanes
Status: Aug 2015-Aug 2016
Traffic Impacts: Close NB lanes, switch traffic to one lane in each direction on SB side of road. Narrow temporary lanes and crossovers, reduced speed limit.


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